
Missions without Borders: Serving the Lord

South America

With and through missionary teams in Brazil, Peru, Argentina, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Uruguay, South America is a rich field for service to some of the greatest needs. Our mission teams meet material and spiritual needs, organize local churches, and bring the love of Jesus to hundreds.


We began in Cuba, and our work continues here. From this starting point, we are reaching into other Caribbean nations including Antigua and Barbuda.

North America

Many refugees and Spanish-speaking migrants live in communities across North America and EyA provides church homes in U.S.-communities like Florida, New York, New Jersey as well as in Canada and Mexico.


With new surges of immigration to EU nations come new opportunities for Spanish-speaking missions. Our current focus has been Spain from Islas Canarias and Málaga to Dénia, Alicante and other cities.

Central America

Our missionaries serve Panama and Nicaragua among some of the poorest and most exploited populations. Central America sees much migration and many opportunities to minister.

Where God leads

We are committed to going wherever God leads, sharing the gospel, planting new churches, and supporting the growth of existing churches worldwide.