About EyA

“But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” —Acts 1:8

Our Beginning: The Vision of Three Pillars

In the year 1983, the Lord revealed to pastor Emilio Alonso what he will do with his life in the future, when He gave him a vision of three pillars behind a straight line. Pastor Emilio was able to understand step by step the meaning of his vision that unfolded with clarity with the passage of years.

The first pillar represented the church in Alacranes, the first church pastored by Emilio, located in a small town in Matanzas, Cuba. To God’s glory this small church grew from 18 members to 1,200 in the 90s, because of a strong disciple making strategy that led by The Holy Spirit, resulted in the raise of home churches throughout the small town of Alacranes.

The second pillar represented a church planting movement throughout the nation. This started in 1997 when Pastor Emilio was elected president of Bethel church in Matanzas. The work grew amazingly in the following years with the surge of thousands of churches throughout the nation.

The third and last of the pillars represented God’s desire to raise an international church planting movement, and to send missionaries to all nations. In the recent years we are seeing this last pillar becoming a reality. Since 2008 when Bethel’s missionary school was initiated, missionaries have been sent to the following countries: Angola, Antigua and Bermuda, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Russia, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Uganda, Uruguay, Venezuela, and the United States.

Open Prophetic Vision for Cuba

By Nancy Clark, 1997

My plane had just left the Varadero airport. As the plane continued to ascend, I thanked the Lord for thework of the Holy Spirit in Bethel throughout my time of ministry there. Then I looked out the window, and to my surprise the Lord said:

“Look down at the sea. What do you see?”

As I continued to look at the island, an immense throne rose from the island. The sound of its ascent shook the entire island reverberating into the sea and into the skies. As I listened to it, I was also physically shaken in my body. The throne was ornamentally carved from shining gold. The detailed artwork reminded me of ancient artifacts found in museums. The back of the throne rose rapidly whilethe four legs of the throne were planted deep in the nation of Cuba. Now the island of Cuba looked likea small piece of green carpet under this immense throne.

Then I said, “Lord, I see an ancient throne of gold.”

Instantly, from the two back posts of the throne grew two tree trunks that quickly ascended into the sky.As they grew tall above the throne, they intertwined and became one huge tree trunk. Suddenly, a leafycanopy of fruits of all kinds formed above the trunk of the tree. I watched in amazement at the diversefruits growing in the tree.

I answered, ”Lord, a huge tree with all types of fruitis growing out of the ancient throne of gold.”
Then the Lord asked me once more: “Now what do you see?”

Then I was transported to look over the ancient throne and carried down into the sea. Someone was holding me both in flight over the tree and then while I was in the sea. As I was in the ocean I looked and saw the base of the island of Cuba. Suddenly, from the four feet of the ancient throne exploded four great roots that descended and then ran north, south, east and west upon the ocean’s floor. As each root ran, it multiplied extending further and spreading out over the floor. Then I was taken to follow one of the four roots. Suddenly, the root changed direction and ascended upwards penetrating new ground from the sea.

Amazed, I said, “Lord, the roots of the ancient throne are exploding, multiplying and rising into the nations all over the world!”

Then the Lord spoke with a loud voice: "Cuba is Mine and My throne and Kingdom are established in it.From her I have formed a people for Myself. In the days ahead I will send her to the nations of the world. I have prepared her through many trials in the land of her heritage to overcome in the nations of her inheritance for My glory. Great will be the harvest of My Kingdom in all the earth."